"The sweetly energetic elements, the animals cruelty deifies: moonfish of the ocean depths, iridiscent toads of the empty bushes, birds cooed with screams (The Magnetic Fields, André Breton & Philippe Soupault)".

What do beasts dream with? How do they appear in your dreams? Vesper is a series of anthological literary zines devoted to different aspects of the night. Vesper II: Animal Dreams will spread wild sleep dust over our oneiria. Show us the hypnagogia of tropical fish, avian REM fantasias, our own surrealist slumbers of colourful creatures. Send us your poetry (max. 50 lines) or poetic prose (max. 1,500 words; no short fiction) in English or Spanish on a separate text document before the 27th of May 2024 to submissions[at]sadwrnpress[dot]com. Payment will consist of €40/text and a complimentary copy of the zine. The zine will be enriched with original illustrations.

Please do not include any biographical or professional information. Emails or submissions containing this information will be automatically rejected.