We are proud to announce that our new publication, 'Pink Blast', is now available from our online shop and our friendly book and art shops. The bilingual zine is an anthology of dazzling short pieces that shine an imaginative light on the intricate lives of crabs, butterflies, spiders, zooplankton,... Invertebrates, the true emperors of the Earth, are shown here as colourful and alien, brutal and mystical, delicate and complex. Our authors explore with lyrical texts whole new perspectives on these animals, that ultimately suggest a renovated vision about nature at large and want to contribute to a change in our relationship with it.

Go to our shop to order a copy of this limited edition, see more pictures here or read samples of the texts here.

Invertebrates are among the most loathed and overlooked among the animal kingdom, in spite of their overwhelming numbers. We at Sadwrn suspect their lives and experiences must hide an intricate beauty, savagery and nuance. Inspired by Donna Haraway's 'Tentacular Thinking: Anthropocene, Capitalocene, Chthulucene', our anthological zine 'Pink Blast' will bring their splendour to our imaginations.

Send us your poetry or poetic prose about or inspired by invertebrates, with a limit of 1,000 words or 50 verses, in a separate text document, to submissions[at]sadwrnpress[dot]com before the 7th of September 2020. The selected authors will receive a complimentary copy and a minimum of €20 per text. Representative samples of their pieces will be displayed in our 'Fragments' section. Let's celebrate the pink flesh of the true sovereigns of Earth.


The launch party for our new zine, Memories of Memories: A Catalogue of Ghosts, will be held at Cientovolando Bookshop, on C/ Divino Pastor 13 (Metro Tribunal/Bilbao, Madrid), at 19:00, on Friday 17th May, 2019. We’ll have authors Enda Kenneally, Florian Merx and Álvaro Mielgo Gallego discussing ghosts, how our new publication came to be and reading their haunting short stories. The wonderful Pádraig O'Connor and Melanie Lawrence will provide the music for the evening, with a mix of traditional Irish tunes and their own songs. Come join us for two hours of literature and music!